n 产品型号:PFAWM-24Ae/32Ae/40Ae
Model: PFAWM-24Ae/32Ae/40Ae
n 适用管径: DN600/DN800/DN1000
Pipe Diameter Applicable: DN 600/DN800/DN1000
n 性能特点: 墩实款式、适用于大批量厚壁管道预制场合、2组4个包胶驱动滚轮、电机减速机驱动、2组4个包胶压紧滚轮、外置丝杆升降机构压紧、驱动滚轮及驱动系统内置、纵向伸缩臂快速焊口定位、标配林肯DC600埋弧焊多功能电源、采用QSPT打底焊接技术、进行MIG打底填充盖面焊接、SAW填充盖面焊接、流线型焊接控制箱+铝合金线控盒操作、是厚臂管道焊接的 设备
Performance Features: The most sturdy model for welding thick wall pipes; suitable for large batch of thick wall pipe fabrication; 2 sets of polyurethane coated driving wheels(4 in total); driven by motor and reducer; 2 sets of polyurethane coated hold-down wheels(4 in tatal); held-down by ded screw rod mechanism; built-in driving wheel and driving system exposed; fast positioning weld with longitudinal telescope boom; standard configuration: Lincoln DC600 SAW multi-function welding power; using QSPT’s root welding technology for MIG root,fill-in and cap welding or SAW fill-in and cap welding; operation with a streamline welding control cabinet + an aluminum alloy wire control box.
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